**BREAKING NEWS** The AGA man has moved his blog!

The AGA man's blog has moved AND it has a new title as David is no longer the AGA man! Please go to davidseverywhere.wordpress.com where you will find lots of old posts from the AGA Pointing days plus photos and updates from Gina and Tom Ellis Racing (where David now works). There will also be plenty of words (and pics) about point-to-point horse racing.

Friday, December 14, 2012

AGA Ladies Series steps up a gear at Barbury Castle, both on and off the course!

The venue for the second AGA Ladies Open of the season is Barbury Castle and there was a real sense of deja-vu for AGA CEO William McGrath because for the second season running he was heard to say - "is this well hidden or is the satnav on the blink?"
The wind had played havoc with our attempts to show off the new AGA Home Business set up at Cottenham, but Derek bagged a prime spot upon arriving at the course (just after dawn), and we soon had everything in place ... and it looked good!
People were soon flocking to our AGA tent to find out what this new AGA Home Business idea is all about, including PPA board member Heather Kemp and her husband Tony. Heather, newly retired from the saddle, was also clutching a handful of notes which were swiftly exchanged for 6 of our limited edition AGA Pointing mugs!